debugging problems: No stack information available
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Franz Steinhaeusler
2007-12-31 09:09:12 UTC
Hello, I have a strange problem with the Debugger in Visual C++ 6.0.

Other people using the same .dsw file source code
do not have problems with debugging. Until recently, all worked well,
but for some weeks now, I cannot see a stack anymore, when I want to
debug the application ("Aufrufliste" in german).

Shift-F11 do not work. German message: "Die aktuelle Funktion besitzt
keine Rücksprungadresse." (about: The current function do not have an
adress to jump back)
I have compiled the file with Win32 Debug and all other things seems to
work fine.

What could be the cause of that problem and how to resolve it?

Is there any Project settings or Setting in Visual Studio, which could
cause that problem?

I would be very glad for a helpful answer! ;)

best regards,
Franz Steinhaeusler
2008-01-07 08:41:23 UTC
On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:09:12 +0100, Franz Steinhaeusler
Post by Franz Steinhaeusler
Shift-F11 do not work. German message: "Die aktuelle Funktion besitzt
keine Rücksprungadresse." (about: The current function do not have an
adress to jump back)
I have compiled the file with Win32 Debug and all other things seems to
work fine.
Hm, still no solution for the "No call stack" problem. On the msdn page
I saw, if code is somehow mixed, the debugger cannot display the stack

http://msdn2.microsoft.com/de-de/library/6wby37d7.aspx (in german)

Googling around, it could be, that another dbghelp.dll could be
installed. I try to track down that issue.
2008-01-08 10:33:48 UTC
Post by Franz Steinhaeusler
On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:09:12 +0100, Franz Steinhaeusler
Post by Franz Steinhaeusler
Shift-F11 do not work. German message: "Die aktuelle Funktion besitzt
keine Rücksprungadresse." (about: The current function do not have an
adress to jump back)
I have compiled the file with Win32 Debug and all other things seems to
work fine.
Hm, still no solution for the "No call stack" problem. On the msdn page
I saw, if code is somehow mixed, the debugger cannot display the stack
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/de-de/library/6wby37d7.aspx(in german)
Googling around, it could be, that another dbghelp.dll could be
installed. I try to track down that issue.
I found the solution. In the windows\system32 directory, there must
1) the dbghelp.dll
2) not every version of dbghelp.dll is working. 31.05.2002 719.360
6.0.0017.0 (DbgBuild.020528-1721) for example is good.

I had another Path, where dbghelp was located, but MS VC apparantly
insists, that this file is in system32 directory (??).
