Redirecting stdin/stdout
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Paul D. DeRocco
2008-12-28 23:29:14 UTC
Is there any way, in VS2008, to debug a filter console app which reads from
stdin and writes to stdout, and assign files to those handles in the IDE? I
don't see any way to get data into and out of the program while debugging,
short of typing or pasting it into the console window and reading the
Ciao, Paul D. DeRocco
Paul mailto:***@ix.netcom.com
Michael Makuch
2009-01-02 06:23:23 UTC
Post by Paul D. DeRocco
Is there any way, in VS2008, to debug a filter console app which reads from
stdin and writes to stdout, and assign files to those handles in the IDE? I
don't see any way to get data into and out of the program while debugging,
short of typing or pasting it into the console window and reading the
One way to do it; initiate the process to be debugged first, then attach
to it with VS. You might have to arrange for your app to pause for you
while you attach to it.
2009-02-14 06:47:58 UTC
Post by Paul D. DeRocco
Is there any way, in VS2008, to debug a filter console app which reads from
stdin and writes to stdout, and assign files to those handles in the IDE? I
don't see any way to get data into and out of the program while debugging,
short of typing or pasting it into the console window and reading the
If it is not convenient to start your application from Debugger
manually, you can setup registry to have OS start debugger and attach to
your process.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image
File Execution Options\Your Image File Name Here without a path]


Other debuggers can also be used, like “vsjitdebugger.exe”, “ntsd -d”